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Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline
- Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Coordination of emergency transportation
- Initial intake
- Paraprofessional counseling
Case Management
- Assists clients in assessing their needs and goals
- Coordinates the receipt of all services and participation in programmatic classes
- Advocates for housing solutions and financial resources
- Facilitates “Client Domestic Violence Certification” program
- Assists client in developing a self-determined plan for self-sufficiency
Vocational Education Program
- Professional Education: computer skills, resume writing, career counseling, job search
- Financial Freedom Program: budgeting, banking, saving
- G.E.D., Community College and Online degree program enrollment
Mental Health Program
- Individual, group, peer and family counseling by registered MFT counselors and interns
- Domestic Violence Education classes
- Empowerment and Enrichment classes
- Anger Management classes
- Substance Abuse groups
- Sexual Assault groups
Legal Services
- Legal education including legal rights and safe environment training
- Procure restraining orders
- Emergency protective orders
- VAWA immigration
- Landlord tenant disputes
- Section 8 housing
- Civil law
- Family law
- Court accompaniment
Children and Adolescent’s Enrichment Program
- Parenting classes
- Children’s case management
- Individual and family counseling
- Tutoring and educational activities
- JMAC: After-school parent-child relationship building program
- Holiday programs and activities
- Camp Jenesse – Summer Enrichment Program
- Assessments by registered nurse
- Health care referrals and follow-up services
- Health education classes: nutrition, fitness and healthy living, stress relief
- Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- Collaboration with law enforcement to ensure safe transportation when necessary
- Client transportation available for: housing, medical and dental appointments; social service appointments; Jenesse programmatic classes
- Court appointments
Educational Programs
- 40-Hour Certified Domestic Violence Training
- Domestic Violence outreach to schools, businesses and the greater community
- “Stop the Hurting” Program for the education of employers about the impact of domestic violence on job performance
- “BeSo You!” youth program for teens and tweens
*All programs and services are provided free of charge.