Being a man who is a victim of domestic violence is hard. Jenesse helped me and my kids and I never felt like they were judging me. I am grateful for that.


Before I came to Jenesse I was in a shelter that did not want to deal with a pregnant woman who had two kids. Then a person who turned out to be my angel helped me find Jenesse. Jenesse helped me reach for a better life. I felt safe and positive and even went back to school. But the best part was knowing that my kids were safe. Jenesse made my life better and I will be grateful for the rest of my life.


The classes and instructors are great, they care and they are willing to help you go the extra mile. They push you with encouragement to do your best. Being here has helped me empower myself to be a strong minded woman and a mother who is more open to people.


The Jenesse Center is the answer to so many prayers that I prayed. I’ve never been more grateful to be somewhere in my life. I feel cared for and safe, and surrounded by resources. I love this program so much and now I know that I can succeed out there.


I think that if more people knew that there are programs like this then they wouldn’t stay in Domestic Violence situations for so long. I love the staff. I love the environment. They are people here who care about us and care about what we think.


Jenesse opened the door for me and my kids and helped me set my life back on track. I learned that I did not have to be down no more and I learned how to love myself. Jenesse helped save me and my kids’ lives.
