Domestic and family violence occurs when someone in an intimate or familial relationship attempts to gain and/or maintain power and control over another through a wide range of abusive behaviors: A single act may amount to abuse. Abuse can take many forms including, but not limited to: Psychological/Emotional, Physical, Economic and Sexual abuse.
JENESSE HOTLINE: 800-479-7328

Halle Berry, Jenesse Ambassador
Who We Are
Founded in 1980, Jenesse Center is a nonprofit domestic violence intervention and prevention organization with a resolute mission: to restore, and provide trauma informed, culturally responsive, holistic, comprehensive services to survivors and families impacted by domestic and sexual violence, and to advance prevention modalities to sustain healthy and safe communities free of violence. Jenesse works locally, nationally and globally to shine a light on violence against women, girls, men and boys and advocates the basic human right for all people to have peace in their homes and relationships. Jenesse’s culturally sensitive programs and services not only transition families from crisis to self-sufficiency, but transforms the lives of its clients and the community at large by offering education, referrals and resources that go beyond shelter.
Jenesse envisions a world in which every person lives in a safe environment, free from oppression and with the opportunity to thrive. Our goal is to support the path of all survivors as they work to be self-sufficient and live free from violence. Learn More
Jenesse’s mission is to restore families impacted by domestic and sexual violence through holistic, trauma informed, culturally responsive services, and advance prevention initiatives that foster and sustain healthy, violence free communities. We seek to prevent and end the cycle of domestic violence through education, public awareness and outreach initiatives, public policy and advocacy strategies, and innovative collaborations with key partners. Learn More
Jenesse’s program philosophy is based on the following values:
- Domestic Violence is a societal issue; it affects the lives of all people in society
- Women and children are our primary clients
- Children are equal victims of domestic violence
- Clients should receive culturally sensitive and culturally competent services
- Shelter is only the beginning of intervention
- Clients must receive more than shelter – they must receive life skills
- Services must transform victims into survivors
- Men have to be a part of the conversation
- Services must be provided to populations that are generally turned away elsewhere
- Public opinion and public policy must be impacted to combat domestic violence
- Vision
Jenesse envisions a world in which every person lives in a safe environment, free from oppression and with the opportunity to thrive. Our goal is to support the path of all survivors as they work to be self-sufficient and live free from violence. Learn More
- Mission
Jenesse’s mission is to restore families impacted by domestic and sexual violence through holistic, trauma informed, culturally responsive services, and advance prevention initiatives that foster and sustain healthy, violence free communities. We seek to prevent and end the cycle of domestic violence through education, public awareness and outreach initiatives, public policy and advocacy strategies, and innovative collaborations with key partners. Learn More
- Values
Jenesse’s program philosophy is based on the following values:
- Domestic Violence is a societal issue; it affects the lives of all people in society
- Women and children are our primary clients
- Children are equal victims of domestic violence
- Clients should receive culturally sensitive and culturally competent services
- Shelter is only the beginning of intervention
- Clients must receive more than shelter – they must receive life skills
- Services must transform victims into survivors
- Men have to be a part of the conversation
- Services must be provided to populations that are generally turned away elsewhere
- Public opinion and public policy must be impacted to combat domestic violence
Jenesse Center’s Trauma Informed Care: Five Signature Programs

Case Management
- Assists clients in assessing their needs and goals
- Coordinates the receipt of all services and participation in programmatic classes
- Advocates for housing solutions and financial resources
- Assists client in developing a self-determined plan for self-sufficiency
Children and Youth Enrichment Programs
- Children’s case management
- Individual and family counseling
- Tutoring and educational activities
- JMAC: After-school parent-child relationship building program
- Holiday programs and activities
- M. Sue Frazier – Summer Enrichment Program
Client Educational Programs
- Anger Management
- Domestic Violence awareness
- Parenting Classes
- Household Establishment
- Substance Abuse
- Empowerment and Enrichment
Workforce Development
- Entrepreneurship and Vocational Education Programs
- Professional Education: computer skills, resume writing, career counseling, job search
- Financial Freedom Program: budgeting, banking, saving
- G.E.D., Community College and Online degree program enrollment
- Forward: Social Enterprise Program
Health Services
- Assessments by registered nurse
- Health care referrals and follow-up services
- Health education classes: nutrition, fitness and healthy living, stress relief
Housing and Shelter Programs
Emergency Housing
Families may reside for 30 days
- On-site Case Management
- All Meals Provided
- Children’s Play Area
Transitional Housing
Families may reside up to 24 months
- 6, 2 bedroom, 2 bath units
- 6, 3 bedroom, 2 bath units
- 16, 1 bedroom, 1 bath units
- Kenneth Bentley Learning Center
- Octavia Spencer Learning Center
- Jenesse Style Center
- Nahla’s World
- Starlight Center
Legal Services
- Restraining Orders (initial and renewal orders)
- Family law (Divorce, Paternity, Custody, Visitation, and Child Support)
- Immigration (Affirmative Filings for Humanitarian Relief, U and T Visas, VAWA self petitions, Battered Spouse Waivers
- Legal Advocacy (Safety Planning, Danger Assessments, Court Support and Accompaniment
- Domestic Abuse Response Team Program (DART) (77th, Southeast and Southwest)
- Pro Bono Legal Clinics (Click Here)
Mental Health and Wellness Counseling Services
- Individual, group, peer and family counseling by registered MFT counselors and interns
- Domestic Violence Education classes
- Empowerment and Enrichment classes
- Anger Management classes
- Substance Abuse groups
- Sexual Assault groups
Transportation Services
- Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- Collaboration with law enforcement to ensure safe transportation when necessary
- Client transportation available for: housing, medical and dental appointments; social service appointments; Jenesse programmatic classes
- Court appointments

Jeneration J Youth Programs
Jeneration J is a centralized virtual support system that provides a comprehensive dating violence intervention and prevention resource center exclusively for young people. Jeneration J serves as a culturally relevant outlet to engage young people in building healthy relationships.
Jeneration J seeks to produce a generation of morally conscious leaders to advocate social change and create a culture without violence. Dating violence does not discriminate. Therefore, everyone has the right to a safe and healthy relationship.
To learn more visit:
- RAISE YOUR VOICE 4 PEACE is a competition that showcases the vocal talent of youth ages 13 to 18 years old. Five (5) finalists are selected from online submissions, and performs to tracks using a either a cover or original composition of socially empowering material.
- To learn more visit:
Legal Services
- Restraining Orders (initial and renewal orders)
- Family law (Divorce, Paternity, Custody, Visitation, and Child Support)
- Immigration (Affirmative Filings for Humanitarian Relief, U and T Visas, VAWA self petitions, Battered Spouse Waivers
- Legal Advocacy (Safety Planning, Danger Assessments, Court Support and Accompaniment
- Domestic Abuse Response Team Program (DART) (77th, Southeast and Southwest)
- Pro Bono Legal Clinics
Educational Programs
- 40-Hour Certified Domestic Violence Training
- Domestic Violence outreach to schools, businesses and the greater community
- “Stop the Hurting” Program for the education of employers about the impact of domestic violence on job performance
- Jeneration J Youth program for teens and tweens
United Faith Network
- Jenesse has partners with community organizations, churches, businesses, schools and healthcare providers to address the rising incidents of domestic violence in our service area.
- Jenesse’s United Faith Network (UFN) collaborates with religious institutions, of all denominations, for the purpose of addressing the domestic violence that exists among members of faith based agencies.
- Through UFN, Jenesse provides training and technical assistance to church staff, participates in panel discussions and offers outreach presentations to educate congregants of the effects of domestic violence.

Jenesse News
Jenesse Celebrates 40 Years!
Expressions of Gratitude
Success Stories
“Being a man who is a victim of domestic violence is hard. Jenesse helped me and my kids and I never felt like they were judging me. I am grateful for that.“
“Before I came to Jenesse I was in a shelter that did not want to deal with a pregnant woman who had two kids. Then a person who turned out to be my angel helped me find Jenesse. Jenesse helped me reach for a better life. I felt safe and positive and even went back…
“The classes and instructors are great, they care and they are willing to help you go the extra mile. They push you with encouragement to do your best. Being here has helped me empower myself to be a strong minded woman and a mother who is more open to people.“
“The Jenesse Center is the answer to so many prayers that I prayed. I’ve never been more grateful to be somewhere in my life. I feel cared for and safe, and surrounded by resources. I love this program so much and now I know that I can succeed out there.“
“I think that if more people knew that there are programs like this then they wouldn’t stay in Domestic Violence situations for so long. I love the staff. I love the environment. They are people here who care about us and care about what we think.“
“Jenesse opened the door for me and my kids and helped me set my life back on track. I learned that I did not have to be down no more and I learned how to love myself. Jenesse helped save me and my kids’ lives.“